Town of Residence
Can you tell us about your family?
My husband was deported this year and I am now forced to be a single parent of 3 boys who are trying to adapt to the financial limitations and changes in our lives. I do my best to make ends meet but it is very hard as we do not qualify for any supports or benefits. I am very grateful for the food and gifts from the United Way. They made my teenagers very happy.
Which direct service do you benefit from?
Hope for the Holidays
Pearl St Cupboard
Can you tell me how long you have been coming to or using this service?
I have been coming for 1 year.
Can you tell me why you come to or use this service?
I came because I needed help with food.
How did you find out about this service?
I found out about this service from our clinician at SMOC.
What kind of help do you receive by using this service?
When I come here I receive food as well as gifts for the holidays.
What is the best part of this service?
The one thing I love is that I can drop by without an appointment.
How has coming to or using this service helped you?
Coming here has really helped me feed my family.
What about your life has become better or easier since you started coming to or using this service?
Life has become easier because I know I have some help with food and gifts during the holidays and throughout the year. That helps to put my mind at ease a little bit.
What things are still challenging?
We are struggling financially. With my husband unable to be here and help us, it is hard for me to be doing this alone.
How would things be different if you didn't come here or use our services?
It would be harder if we didn’t come here, it would be one more thing for me to worry about.