WHEAT Community Connections

Our outdoor pantry will be available from 10-5 each week day
EXCEPT Christmas and New Year’s day.

How can you help?

Donate To WHEAT

Volunteer at WHEAT

Annual Programs & Events

Registration begins in July
Tools for School Backpacks and School Supplies

Registration begins in September
Thanksgiving Program
Holiday Toy Program

Registration begins in October
Reindeer Run 5K Run/Walk 
Event occurs the 1st Sat in December
Sponsorships available here

Feeding The Hungry Logo

272 High St., Clinton, MA 01510 • PH: 508-370-4943 • Fax: 978-365-6340 
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 847, Clinton, MA 01510

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm. After 1:00 by appointment 


Indoor dining service will be held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings from 4:45pm to 6:00pm
with a takeout option still available for those who choose to eat at home.
Wednesday evening dinners will continue, but on a take-out basis only because our food pantry is open during that time.


WHEAT Community Connections has served residents of the Greater Clinton area since 1982 and in 2012 became a direct service program of the United Way of Tri-County. WHEAT continues to be a local organization supporting local residents through care, compassion and quality programs and services. 
WHEAT Community Cupboard (Food Pantry) provides monthly groceries Wednesday evenings from 3:00pm - 6:00pm and Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm. The last client will be taken 15 minutes before closing. Our pantry is CLOSED on Wednesday mornings & all-day Friday. Please call 508-370-4943 for questions. New clients or existing clients who haven’t visited for 6+ months must bring in a picture i.d. for adults in household, birth certificates for dependents and proof of residents (a current bill or lease agreement). Our pantry serves residents in the towns of Berlin, Bolton, Clinton, Lancaster and Sterling. 
WHEAT Community Café provides homemade lunches for pick up Monday through Friday from 12:30–1:30. The Cafe also provides lunches for delivery to local housing authorities and pick up at our main location Monday through Friday from 12:30pm - 1:30pm. Homemade dinners are served Monday through Friday from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
WHEAT Outdoor Marketplace provides breads, pastries, pre-made foods, fruits, and vegetables Tuesday through Friday as available so food that isn’t taken in the food pantry is made available to residents. Please bring your own bags.

Case Management provides a collaborative process that assesses, implements, and coordinates options and services required to meet the client's basic health and human service needs. Case management services are limited and provided by appointment only at 508-370-4946. 
Seasonal programs including "Tools for School" (backpacks with school supplies), "Feed-A-Family" (turkey meal for Thanksgiving), and "Hope for the Holidays" (Toys for the holidays). Tools for School registration begins the last week in June and ends the 2nd week in August. Feed-A-Family registration begins 2nd week in September and ends the first week in November. Distribution is the Monday right before Thanksgiving. Hope for the Holidays registration begins the 2nd week in September and ends the 1st week in December. Distribution is the week before 12/25. Visit WHEAT or call 508-370-4943 to get specific distribution schedule.
Hidden Treasures Thrift Store provides everyone with low-to-no cost furniture, household items, clothing, shoes and so much more in a clean, organized retail setting. All proceeds help subsidize our food programs. The store is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00am - 4:00pm and donations can be dropped off at that time. Let us know when you get here and we’ll come out and help you! Arrangements can be made to pick up or deliver furniture (for a fee) by calling the store at 508-370-4941.


Wraparound Partnership Programs Offered

Mass Health Assistance – A representative from the Edward Kennedy Community Health Center is at WHEAT on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 9:30-1:30. Please call 508-370-4943 to schedule an appointment. 

National Grid Assistance – Two representatives from National Grid will be at WHEAT on the 4th Monday of every month from 10:00 – 2:00 to discuss discount programs, payment plans and their forgiveness program if eligible. The last appointment given at 1:45 p.m. Please call 508-370-4943 to schedule an appointment.

Fuel Assistance – A representative from Making Opportunity Count (MOC) is at WHEAT every Wednesday from 9:30-12:30 to answer any questions about eligibility guidelines and the application process. Please call 508-370-4943 to schedule an appointment.

Tufts Health Plans Senior Option for 65+ – A representative from Tufts Health is at WHEAT on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 10:00 – 12:00 to answer any questions regarding benefits of this programs, eligibility requirements and how to apply. Please call 508-370-4943. 

Item Appeal Representative – As an appointed Item Appeal representative organization, residents can come through WHEAT’s case management process to discuss financial needs and eligibility. Please call 508-370-4943 to schedule an appointment.

Housing and Rental Assistance, Education and Training – Representatives from RCAP Solutions can assist residents directly with housing and rental assistance as well as education and training. Please contact directly at https://www.rcapsolutions.org/

DTA (Department of Transitional Assistance who administers SNAP/EBT) – Through WHEAT’s case management process, residents can get assistance applying for or recertifying SNAP benefits administered though the DTA. Call 508-370-4943 to set up an appointment. 

Access to FREE, FRESH LOCAL Produce through Growing Places – Enroll in a weekly produce program that allows you to purchase fresh, local produce your way: using your SNAP and Healthy Incentive Program benefits or paying by debit/credit, delivered straight to your door or picked up at WHEAT! Call 508-370-4943 for an appointment. 

Dog and Cat Food Program – Thanks to Pibble’s Kibbles Pet Food Pantry, WHEAT is able to provide residents with dogs and cats pet food. This food is available on a first come first serve basis and is distributed during food pantry hours


A Special thanks to all our sponsors and partners in the community especially!




  Nypro Foundation  Community Foundation North Central Mass  UMass Chan Medical School   


   MOC   Fresh Start Furniture    The Item Appeal         


      Pibbles Kibbles  National Grid   Target        Tufts Healthcare




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