Name: Carmen
Town of Residence: Framingham
Can you tell us about your family? I am a grandmother raising a 9 year old boy. We are the only two that live in our household.
Which direct service do you benefit from? Pearl Street Cupboard, Hope for the Holidays
How did you find out about this service? The staff at the Recreation Center at my apartment complex told me about Hope for the Holidays.
Can you tell me why you come to or use this service? I live on a fixed income and barely have enough money to make ends meet. I was nervous that I would not be able to buy a gift for my grandson this year as his wishes were quite big. I had spoken to the staff at the Recreation Center about my worries and they included my grandson in the United Way’s Hope for the Holidays program. I shared with the staff his wishes and was completely amazed that they came through. This year he’ll get a guitar, scooter, and new clothes. I am so grateful for your generosity. I am also so grateful that so many other children at the Recreation Center received such beautiful gifts as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
What kind of help do you receive by using this service? Food and holiday gifts for my grandson.
What is the best part of this service? Everybody makes us feel welcome and it’s not embarrassing to go and ask for help.
What about your life has become better or easier since you received help from United Way’s Hope for the Holidays? I am no longer stressed out about Christmas.
What things are still challenging? Making it day to day and the fact that my grandson doesn’t see his parents.